I sent my first E-Mails in Outlook 2003 (mind you this was in 2011), but
quickly moved on to Thunderbird. I messed around with mutt
about two
years ago. I set up everything for one address, but never got
comfortable with the tool because I had no clue what I was doing.
What certainly didn’t help was copying some ‘cool’ muttrc
I’d found
I Switched to claws-mail
shortly thereafter because I wanted something
less sluggish than Thunderbird and I liked the idea of not having HTML
It’s a great piece of software, but I felt like messing about with
again because I thoroughly enjoy software that I can navigate
with my keyboard.
and notmuch
I use mbsync
to synchronize my local mail directories at ~/mail
My ~/.mbsyncrc
consists of a bunch of entries like this:
IMAPAccount example
Host imap.strato.de
User me@example.com
PassCmd "pass mail/example"
IMAPStore example-remote
Account example
MaildirStore example-local
Subfolders Verbatim
Path ~/mail/example/
Inbox ~/mail/example/inbox
Channel example
Master :example-remote:
Slave :example-local:
Patterns *
Create Both
SyncState *
I’d always refer to this account as sample
: It’s mailbox lives at
, I can sync with mbsync sample
and will be able to
open it with mutt sample
– more on that later.
It’s pretty much a bog standard config. Perhaps worthy of note is the
use of my password manager pass
for all passwords.
I do that for all my accounts, although Gmail accounts are a bit special
as they use a [Gmail]
folder in addition to the ones you’d expect. I
only ever use the [Gmail]
ones so as not to end up with duplicate
mail. Note that you’ll have to create and use an application password
instead of your regular Google password.
IMAPAccount gsm
Host imap.gmail.com
User example@gmail.com
PassCmd "pass mail/gsm"
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
IMAPStore gsm-remote
Account gsm
MaildirStore gsm-local
Subfolders Verbatim
Path ~/mail/gsm/
Inbox ~/mail/gsm/inbox
Channel gsm-default
Master :gsm-remote:
Slave :gsm-local:inbox
#Patterns INBOX
Channel gsm-sent
Master :gsm-remote:"[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
slave :gsm-local:Sent
Channel gsm-trash
Master :gsm-remote:"[Gmail]/Trash"
slave :gsm-local:Trash
Channel gsm-junk
Master :gsm-remote:"[Gmail]/Spam"
slave :gsm-local:Junk
Create Both
SyncState *
Group gsm
Channel gsm-default
Channel gsm-trash
Channel gsm-sent
Channel gsm-junk
I’ve called this one gsm
, for ‘Gmail sample’ – I like to keep the
names short.
I can fetch all mail with mbsync -a
, or fetch selectively, e.g.
mbsync gsm
Next up in the list of tools is notmuch
. It doesn’t do much
currently, except tag unread messages as unread
I can then get an overview of unread mail like this:
[jakob@argon ~]$ notmuch search "tag:unread"
thread:00000000000046e4 4 mins. ago [1/1] someone@example.com; Hey, what's up? (inbox unread)
I’ve wrapped these steps into a script called ms
(mail sync):
[jakob@argon ~]$ ms
C: 12/12 B: 40/40 M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0 S: +1/1 *0/0 #0/0
Processed 81 total files in almost no time.
Added 1 new message to the database.
Unread messages:
sample 5 mins. ago someone@exa… Hey, what's up?
Like this, it runs mbsync -a
but can be invoked as ms sample
to run
run mbsync sample
. Then it shows unread messages by passing notmuch
JSON output through a pretty-printing
notmuch show --format=json --entire-thread=false "tag:unread" | ~/.mutt/scripts/nmpp
The main motivation for this is wanting to see the mailbox in which the mails actually are.
I’ve heard that mutt
can be a bit iffy when it comes to settings for
multiple accounts, so I strictly separate them.
Each directory in ~/mail
contains a separate muttrc
[jakob@argon ~]$ tree ~/mail
├── gsm
│ ├── inbox
│ ├── Junk
│ ├── muttrc
│ ├── Sent
│ └── Trash
└── sample
├── Drafts
├── inbox
├── muttrc
├── Queue
├── Sent
└── Trash
These are rather small and configure a number of common my_
that are used further by ~/.mutt/muttrc_postmy
[jakob@argon ~]$ cat ~/mail/sample/muttrc
source ~/.mutt/muttrc
set my_acc = "sample"
set my_user = "me@example.com"
set my_server = "smtp.example.com"
set my_inbox = +inbox
source ~/.mutt/muttrc_postmy
My ~/.mutt/muttrc
is pretty standard:
set folder = "~/mail"
set realname = "Jakob Ruckel"
set sort = "threads"
set sort_aux = "last-date-sent"
set my_sync = ~/.mutt/scripts/ms
bind pager j next-line
bind pager k previous-line
bind attach,index,pager \CD next-page
bind attach,index,pager \CU previous-page
alternative_order text/plain text/html
set mailcap_path = ~/.mutt/mailcap
auto_view text/html
my_hdr User-Agent: Every email client sucks, this one just sucks less.
set record = "+Sent"
The muttrc_postmy
does a number of unsurprising things with all the
variables in each ~/mail/*/muttrc
# muttrc to be sourced after the following have been set:
# my_acc
# my_inbox
# my_pass
# my_server
# my_sync
# my_user
set folder = ~/mail/$my_acc
set spoolfile = $my_inbox
set mbox = $my_inbox
set from = $my_user
set use_from = yes
macro index G "<shell-escape>$my_sync $my_acc<enter>" "run mbsync+notmuch"
set smtp_url=smtp://$my_user@$my_server
set smtp_pass=$my_pass
set ssl_force_tls = yes
I have mutt
aliased to easily start it with these configurations:
/usr/bin/mutt -F ~/mail/$1/muttrc || /usr/bin/mutt "$@"
I’ve still got to set up a systemd
service to periodically fetch mail
and notify-send
me accordingly.
Update 2022: I’ve since also setup filtering with imapfilter
filtering out some mailing lists into a separate inbox. The config
looks something like